IAVOM – Narcissi

The lawn is greening with warming days and plentiful rain, and the first Narcissi are blooming in my yard, hurrah!

In the background of the first photo, you can see N. Jetfire’ and from elsewhere (out of view) I picked for this vase: N. ‘Ice Follies’, N. ‘Peeping Tom’ and (I think?) N. ‘Sailboat.’ Additionally, a stem of Hellebore niger with old and new blooms, branches of shrub honeysuckle (Lonicera tartarica) and black birch (Betula lenta) still hanging around since mid-winter!

Thanks to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden who hosts the weekly garden meme In A Vase On Monday, featuring flowers from our gardens. Click the link to see what others are sharing this week.

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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58 Responses to IAVOM – Narcissi

  1. tonytomeo says:

    Goodness! It will be Monday in about three and a half hours! I neglect to remember what day it is until I see your post. Anyway, it is so nice that you still have narcissi. I wonder if any remain within our landscapes. (I have not been out where most of them are in a while.) I had to look up that honeysuckle, since I am unfamiliar with it.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      A super-invasive plant, I rue the day that the first shrub honeysuckle was planted in our area. It has overtaken our woodlands, alas.

      • tonytomeo says:

        I hear about it in other regions, so feel fortunate that it is not a problem here. One of the three species that is native is annoyingly shabby, but not aggressive about it. We sometimes cut it down out of trees, but then leave it to grow as a sloppy mess on the ground, just because I sort of like it. (So, I can not explain why I like it. I just do.) One of the other native spaces stays on the ground, and is somewhat pretty, and excludes some weeds. I grow Japanese honeysuckle for its fragrance. It does not naturalize, but I keep it within the refined landscapes anyway. I do not want it going up trees.

  2. cindy knoke says:

    Beauty Mine are not blooming yet. It’s raining now, yet again. I think they are taking advantage, ready to burst into bloom.

  3. Summer is arriving dear lady, the colors begin to sing 😀❤️🙏

  4. maryjane678 says:

    Hi Eliza. Aren’t daff’s lovely? I have decided to make it my personal mission to plant as many different varieties of daffs in our field at Le Shack as I can. Starting this autumn I’m going to research some new varieties. Something to look forward.


    • Eliza Waters says:

      Sounds wonderful… daffs are long-lasting and reliable, not to mention wildlife leave them alone. And they can be divided endlessly!
      Two that you might look at are ‘Ice Follies’ and ‘Jetfire.’ They are early-midseason and are good producers. I try to have early, mid- and late season varieties so I have a long bloom in the yard. Also, don’t forget the miniatures that are super charming close to the house!

  5. Joanne says:

    The vase is gorgeous, Eliza, and shows off the arrangement beautifully. Is there any sign of more snow, or is that you all done for this “winter”? It must be a relief to see so much greenery for a change. 🙂

  6. I dug some up for a planter to take to an Earth Day celebration that I worked so I’ve been enjoying the blooms indoors which is quite the change. :L-)

  7. treahmoon says:

    I love the woods in the background…..a perfect color combination. And a picture of Spring promise!

  8. Spring, spring, spring! So lovely.

  9. shoreacres says:

    My favorite detail? The branches that seem to curve into the vase from the left, and out to the right (with leaves, this time!) The illusion of them being a single branch is fun.

  10. Alice says:

    every step you take in and near your gardens must be filled with blossoming happiness

  11. Lovely. My narcissi aren’t blooming yet but I do have a few blooms in the garden. It feels good to see green and colours again. (Suzanne)

  12. Debbie says:

    Beautiful! But are these in the same family as Daffodils because they look very similar to me (in fact, I didn’t know there was a difference and now am wondering whether the ones I see around here are Narcissi or Daffodils!)

  13. krispeterson100 says:

    Yay, spring has sprung at last! In comparison, last week’s warm temperatures here has set my daffodils running for the exit 😦

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Things seem to hang on, and then one warm day changes things quickly. My snowdrops, ret.iris and crocus disappeared after one day in the mid-70s. Poof! Luckily, more plants are coming along to replace them.

  14. There is something just downright cheerful about a bouquet of narcissi in a vase. Thanks for sharing a lovely shelf view.

  15. Fun! Your arrangement is similar to mine this week. The Daffodils just keep on giving, don’t they? 🙂

  16. I love Jetfire and the birch twigs. What about the vase? Looks interesting.

  17. Thank you for sharing your cheering bouquet, Eliza. Narcissi are lovely flowers. Our grass is greening, too, but I wish we would get some of your rain.

  18. Sun and rain and your eye create some lovely bouquets!

  19. A beautiful arrangement … love the branches … they add a woodsy touch!

  20. Beautiful! I love your vase too!

  21. Have to say that I was a bit shocked to see no snow and all those daffs in the background. It feels truly like spring has come to your garden at last. Love the look of Narcissus cyclamineus type flowers. They put me in mind of dogs with their heads hanging out of car windows enjoying the wind in their ears 😉

  22. Cathy says:

    Three cheers for the cheerful daffodils! Happy Spring! 😄

  23. tomwhelan says:

    Lovely whether in the vase or in the earth. Pretty rich yellows.

  24. Donna Donabella says:

    I love that classical vase against the backdrop….lovely spring blooms against the light green of it too.

  25. Timelesslady says:

    Daffodils are a favorite of mine, and what a stunning vase you’ve chosen to display them in. Lovely.

  26. Love the vase and flowers!!🙂 Took my first photo of a daffodil yesterday at the park.🙂

  27. A breath of fresh spring air! A pretty vase full of sunshine. ☀️ Our daffodils have all gone by.

  28. naturebackin says:

    Cheerful signs of spring I should think.

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