Silent Sunday – Bloodroot

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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58 Responses to Silent Sunday – Bloodroot

  1. cindy knoke says:

    This is new to me. Fascinating. The leaves are enfolding the stems.

  2. maryjane678 says:

    Morning Eliza – or at least it is in France. Very pretty but what a name. Do you know why it’s called that?


  3. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    Such a beautiful flower Eliza and her medicinal properties are very impressive too 💛

  4. I am amazed at how the flower is protected by the leaves (as Cindy said), and I’ve never seen them before. Thank you, it was a delight to see something new 😀❤️🙏

  5. Murtagh's Meadow says:


  6. Anne says:

    My first thought on seeing this photograph was that the leaves are protective of the flowers.

  7. Joanne says:

    What an incredibly interesting flower, Eliza. There’s nothing ‘traditional’ about this one!

  8. treahmoon says:

    I just noticed yesterday that my bloodroot is emerging. It’s an amazing groundcover….a thug if allowed though!

  9. Alice says:

    Hugging leaves….and another Spring nectar source.

  10. In bloom now? Wowsah, you are way ahead of us.

  11. I had the same thought as others, the leaves hugging the flowers. A good Valentine photo.

  12. ke01341 says:

    Always a gift I look forward to each spring

  13. Little overcoats keeping them warm and snuggly, how adorable!

  14. Debbie says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these (and I suspect I’d have remembered those leaves cradling their stems). So pretty, Eliza — thank you for sharing them.

  15. Maria says:

    Gorgeous! It looks like the leaves are hugging the stem!

  16. krispeterson100 says:

    Interesting bloom – and foliage! The flowers (albeit not the foliage) reminds me of rain lilies, Zephyranthes.

  17. Kymber Hawke says:

    Your photo is so pretty! 🩷🌷🌺

  18. Lovely! So nice to see 😊

  19. neihtn2012 says:

    Strange looking flowers with curled leaves around them!

  20. shoreacres says:

    I’ve seen so many photos of these flowers, but never this sort of view of the leaves. They look like tiny hands wrapped around the stems.

  21. Cathy says:

    I bet you were happy to see these… they mean Spring has really got going don’t they? They don’t grow here.

  22. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    So pretty

  23. Val Boyko says:

    Love this declaration of Spring ❣️

  24. tomwhelan says:

    It’s spring! A wonderful grouping of them.

  25. My imagination sees several cracked eggshells.

  26. That unfolding of the leaves…nearly magical when paired with the flowers!

  27. Thank for sharing your signs of spring … we aren’t quite there yet!

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