Wordless Wednesday – Icy Puddle

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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64 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Icy Puddle

  1. Anne says:

    The reflections between the shards of ice seem to represent a glimpse into warmer weather. This is a lovely photograph, Eliza.

  2. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday – Icy Puddle | Purplerays

  3. Dee Min says:

    Definitely need no words Eliza when your pix speak volume. Great shot!!!

  4. Beautiful. I enjoyed enlarging it on my screen and simply gazing into the various textures so wonderfully visible in this photograph. So nice, Eliza!

  5. Very nice! I really like the colors and the abstract patterns.

  6. Alice says:

    Warped by frozen water. So much more to see in reflections. As of yesterday morning we had ‘snow-out’…on our property.

  7. Treah Pichette says:

    Nice shot….it would make a good jigsaw puzzle!

  8. pbmgarden says:

    I admire this photo. Nature offers and you accept.

  9. Gorgeous! The texture changes and the shades of blue are extraordinary. 💙

  10. I thought it was an ice storm on the trees at first glance.

  11. shoreacres says:

    Snowflakes, or stars? It’s fun seeing them in both ways.

  12. Dale says:

    I love the blue and the ice together! Beauty!

  13. Great. I love the colour palette and contrast provided by the ice’s incisive straight lines.

  14. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    A beautiful image and reflection Eliza! 💜

  15. Kris P says:

    What a wonderful capture that is, Eliza. Your observant eye finds art wherever you go!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Kris! “Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” – Franz Kafka. I hope that’ll give me a few more years. 😀

  16. sandyjwhite says:

    And a great reflection, too!

  17. Incredible reflection! You find beauty everywhere.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Ellen! Trained from a young age. 😉 And for further incentive: “Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” – Franz Kafka.

  18. Debbie says:

    Eliza, if you hadn’t told me this was an icy puddle, I’d have assumed you were looking UP and seeing these tree limbs!!

  19. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    Lovely, if chilly reflection Eliza

  20. Val Boyko says:

    So interesting! It does speak the imagination!

  21. Winter looks like it’s hanging on. Icy beauty!

  22. maryjane678 says:

    Hi Eliza. Now you’re just getting too clever!!

    We’re warming up in France but rainy. Hoping for a dry sunny patch next week – daffodils are looking great and trees are beginning to green up. Now I am off to the dentist – again – to get a tooth pulled out – deep joy.

  23. The blue is stunning! Love the play of ice, sky and branches…

  24. Reminds me of an Escher piece. Nicely seen, Eliza.

  25. It looks like a beautiful winter scene!

  26. Adele Brand says:

    A riddle of lines. Would make a nice abstract painting!

  27. Jane Lurie says:

    Excellent abstract image, Eliza. Wonderful. 💙🤍

  28. gaiainaction says:

    An amazing photo Eliza! Love all the different shapes and textures in this photo.

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