Orchid Show

IMG_4437At this time of year, I eagerly embrace anything that involves growing plants so when I saw a flyer for an orchid show sponsored by the local orchid society, I knew it was just the thing to take my mind off the weather.

IMG_4372 IMG_4374There was a riot of every conceivable type of orchid from the most diminutive species to the largest hybrid cattleya. And the colors – oh my! Every combination from red to near black.
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It was lovely to immerse myself in a tropical forest of scent and color away from the reality of our bitter, wintery weather. I’m glad I got a chance to see so many beautiful examples of this celebrated queen of the plant kingdom and look forward to making this an annual escape-from-winter event.


About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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51 Responses to Orchid Show

  1. ladygrace33 says:

    So many lovely flowers

  2. Jewels says:

    Oh these are soooo lovely Eliza! I too took a break from the cold winter and went to a local garden conservatory recently, as I do each year around this time, it was so wonderful being amongst the growing things! ❤

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thanks, Julie. Totally agree with the mini-vacation to the tropics via the conservatory. (I’ve been three times in the past week!) Sometimes we just need a break from winter. 🙂

  3. derrycats says:


  4. Karen says:

    This must have been heaven on earth for you Eliza, great shots.

  5. M E Cheshier says:

    Oh my! What a fabulous show! I just love orchids!

  6. I love to look at orchids but have never tried to grow one because of the cold winters. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos. 🙂 I love the white with the tiny rust color specs. Beautiful.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thanks, Judy. Some are fussier than others to grow. I’ve grown dendrobiums in my cold greenhouse for years (it can get down in the 40s) – they are quite sturdy and might be a good one to try.

  7. Heather says:

    A beautiful explosion of colors – I can almost feel how warm us must’ve been 🙂

  8. cindy knoke says:

    I would love to go to one of these! How beautiful!

  9. mk says:

    Whenever I see orchids, they just seem so miraculous. What an excellent diversion from the weather.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Indeed, a happy distraction. Orchids are definitely miraculous and so varied in their appearance. I love to think that there are still hundreds living in remote places we haven’t yet discovered.

  10. dorannrule says:

    Great Day! And what a wonderful early welcome to spring. 🙂

  11. Mary says:

    What a wonderful show – loved seeing it through your eyes Eliza.

  12. thanks for taking the time to share the images and give us all a little visual taste of Spring!

  13. Maria F. says:

    Splendid presentation, thanks! I’m trying to grow a young Vanda, and it’s not easy; up to now the Dendrobiums and Cattleyas are easier for me.

  14. Wonderful photos, Eliza 😉 I feel warmer just savoring them 😉 It must have been quite a production moving these wonderful plants into and out of the exhibition site without letting them get too cold. Such color! There was an orchid show in Richmond, VA this weekend, but I missed it by learning of it only today. That would have been a nice ‘field trip’ yesterday 😉 So glad you were able to attend (and photograph) this one 😉

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, it was spectacular. I did notice a couple of damaged buds, clearly they didn’t fare well on their journey. But what a thrill, that there are folks out there so passionate as to undertake showing their talents in a venue such as this. Too bad about missing the show in Richmond, mark your calendar for next year!

      • Absolutely! I love seeing the efforts of passionate people who love what they do 😉 The furthest afield we got yesterday was to the drugstore for my Dad. Mom refused to go out, even after I shoveled a path for her- afraid of the ice. Assuming better weather next February, we would all enjoy a show of orchids, my mom’s favorite flower 😉

      • Eliza Waters says:

        Does your mom grow them? Orchids, particularly Phalaenopsis, are so affordable now that they are tissue-cultured. Box stores carry them!
        Your mother is wise to stay off the ice – not worth the risk. It is a real problem up here for the elderly. Many don’t go out all winter.

      • Mom loves growing orchids and has a lovely sun room to keep them. It is one of her favorite gifts to receive. Trader Joe’s keeps such a wonderful stock that I can find something beautiful there to bring her any time.

        Have you read the Jan.-Feb. issue of Horticulture Magazine? A wonderful article on attempts to propagate and re-populate South Florida with their native tropical orchids. If you haven’t seen it, please let me know. The botanical gardens have partnered with area schools and getting kids of all ages involved in raising these orchids, then planting the mature orchids back into appropriate trees on their campuses. Their propagation set up (in terrarium flasks) is simply ingenious! You’ll like it!

        Ice is a terrific problem at any age- but especially for those already dealing with other conditions. I about had a conniption when Dad came out to help me shovel on Sunday. But he insisted- he wanted to be out in it and seeing what was going on. It was slushy enough by then that he did OK 😉 Mom wanted no parts of it, though- and wisely so.

      • Eliza Waters says:

        I did see the article and it is heartening to think how everyone is involved in the reintroduction. I’ve been to Fairchild and it is an amazing garden park (huge!) complete with wild alligators! Their butterfly and hummingbird house is lovely to visit, but you have to have a warm, sunny day or they just rest. Great Dale Chihuly glass exhibit, too. It’s great that they are involved in this community project.
        Did you get above freezing today? Our high was 13, windchill well below zero. Tomorrow might see 30, going in the right direction!

      • Snowing again here, Eliza. Our high was first thing today, but just at freezing. We’re falling through the 20s now. Lovely snow, and not too much accumulation. 13 for a high is just terrible, and I’m so sorry you have been under weather siege for so long, Eliza. How is the wood holding out? I’m replacing and re-lighting candles all day to keep the plants going in the garage- but they are making it ;-0 I love Chihuly glass! It would be worth the trip of that were the only exhibit! I’m glad you saw the article. Great team work with the schools and wider community. Reminds me of my intent to plant a live oak here in the garden. Gorgeous creatures! Warm hugs- and your watermark query is answered in today’s post 😉 WG

  15. I’ve only tried growing an orchid once and failed. I’m kind of inspired to try again by these photos. Eliza, how do you achieve the blurry focus behind the flowers as in the last photo in this post? I really like that effect. So nice to see some color, isn’t it?

    • Eliza Waters says:

      I used a macro lens for all these and its range is 1.5 – 3.0 ft. so it limits the in-focus range. It was delightful to see all those colors and shapes, a few were fragrant to boot. It was a nice show.

  16. Robin says:

    I love all the color. I just came in from outside not too long ago, and it was so warming looking at the orchids. When we lived near Cleveland we used to go to the Cleveland Botanical Garden around this time of year to see the orchid show. It was a good way to take a break from winter.

  17. Robbie says:

    living art sculptures:-) stunning!

  18. sharonpp says:

    Nice pics! love each one!

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