First Snowfall

First snowfall

We received our first snowfall today! It is not all that unusual for us to have a few inches of snow in October, but it usually melts after a day or two. December is when our ground freezes and any new snowfall will stay with us on average through the end of March.

I took a walk around our trails with my camera to capture the wintery wonderland. The air was crisp and fresh; small, foraging birds were darting through the snowy cover and melting drops paused on the tips of leaves still clinging to their mother plant. Enjoy the slideshow below and don’t forget to breathe deeply!

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About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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118 Responses to First Snowfall

  1. neihtn2012 says:

    We only got rain …

  2. cindy knoke says:

    Beautiful! It was 86F here today.

  3. pbmgarden says:

    Gorgeous photos Eliza. The colors through the snow are fabulous.

  4. pastpeter says:

    Lovely. The first one is always the best.

  5. Beautiful! A winter wonderland. Glad to read that the snow doesn’t stick until December.

  6. Joanne says:

    I absolutely love your frosted leaves and snowy river, Eliza. 🙂

  7. Vicki says:

    What a beautiful landscape. Loved the slideshow also. I sometimes wish we got snow in Melbourne as I love it.

  8. shoreacres says:

    This is almost unbelievable. A first snow is always so lovely. The combination of all that white freshness and the lingering color is gorgeous.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Linda. The first snowfall is easy to appreciate when I know it won’t last. Once it sticks around, it stays for months and I find that is a tad too long! 😉

  9. sandyjwhite says:

    Very pretty and fresh!

  10. Karen Lang says:

    How beautiful ⛄️

  11. rajkkhoja says:

    Wow, Amezing snowfall. Beautiful all photos.

  12. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    Beautiful, just beautiful! What a treat to see 💜

  13. A good descriptive paragraph and excellent gallery

  14. Anne says:

    Interesting scenes for me to behold – so alien from my part of the world and therefore rather beautiful.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Anne. I post such scenes with you and other frost-free friends in mind. 😉 Might as well share the frosty beauty, but not the cold temps. 🙂

  15. maryjane678 says:

    Oh wow! What a snowy scene! Seems amazing as we are still stuck in summer here in France – 24 degrees although we can see snow on high Pyrenees. I know I’m hopeless but how do I see the slideshow? Not sure what to click on ! MJ

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, MJ.
      You may not have enough bandwidth, but click on the photo and it should start the slideshow. I updated to a newer WP (reluctantly) and it seems to be slower loading, which is rather discouraging, as they promised ‘faster loading!’ sigh…

  16. Adele Brand says:

    Snow! The autumn dusting is special – white frosting on rich colours.

    The temperature is dropping here but we’re still some way off I think. My dormice will be in hibernation soon though.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      It was a mild October, but this cold front pushed through from the north mingling with a southerly tropical storm, so the western edge got a fair amount of snow. A chilly surprise, but very pretty!
      I love that you have dormice, they are so sweet!

      • Adele Brand says:

        I’ve been missing dormice this year because covid interfered with the surveys, but I caught one on a trailcam in October. Still awake and active then but I’m not sure any stragglers will be after the forecast temperatures next week.

  17. You got more than we did. It came down but was gone immediately. Lovely shots you captured.

  18. Treah Pichette says:

    I was a bit worried about all the shrubs that still had their leaves, but they seem to have held up okay. Certainly an early snow following an early frost last month.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Yes, I knocked snow off a few that were bent over, hoping they pop back up. Let’s hope we don’t get the ’30’ storms that the old wives’ tale suggests!

  19. Gorgeous! The first snow is always magic. Even as I worry about tree limbs. Time to set out the pile of hats and mittens.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Catherine! After our relatively warm October, this cold spell came as a bit of a surprise. It is so pretty out there right now with it all sparkling in the sun.

  20. With very little chance of snow here, I am happy to enjoy yours.

  21. Nice to see it against so much colour, especially that shot of American beech!

  22. Donna Donabella says:

    Beautiful….ours is coming tomorrow night they say….no snow in October very unusual for this year or any year.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Donna, so nice to see your comment. Hope you have been well. I’m surprised we got snow before you did, but the weather these days is anything but ‘normal.’

  23. There is something lovely about the first snow as long as it doesn’t settle in 😏.

  24. krispeterson100 says:

    Really?! Wow, I thought this must be a Halloween trick at first.

  25. Alice says:

    It was pretty wild outside, yesterday…Witches & Warlocks were fortunate not to be flying. Trees didn’t look very happy with the burden of wet snow & this morning was a noisy one, with all the ice falling from the trees. Melting very slowly, here. It is fun to take snowy photos!

  26. Jewels says:

    Lovely, lovely, Eliza! We had snow here too, it’s all melted now, but it was really something! Happy Halloween, and stay cozy! ❤

  27. Bela Johnson says:

    Yes. We got a foot, snd already it’s gone! Enjoy yours while it lasts.

  28. naturebackin says:

    I know you said breathe deeply, but these snowy scenes and frosted leaves are quite breathtaking!

  29. Happy end-of-October snow to you. You seem to have gotten more than some other parts of New England.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Steve. We got close to 3″ but some others got closer to 5″ … most has now melted, thankfully. I’m not ready for full-time whiteness out there.

  30. arlingwoman says:

    It’s a beautiful snow! Glad it will go away though. It was brisk here today–requiring a jacket–but in the low fifties…

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Lisa. It was pretty and I love the quiet hush that comes with falling snow. Glad it is melting now, as I’m not ready for full-on winter yet, a bit more autumn please. 😉

  31. Isha Garg says:

    Oh my! How gorgeous! Makes the poet’s imagination run!

  32. Cathy says:

    The first snow is always so pretty. It looks lovely on the dogwood leaves, although you don’t want too much until all the leaves have dropped!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      It is pretty, thanks. I did go around to knock the snow off some of the bushes that were bent over. The weight pulled a lot of the leaves off in a big whump as the temps rose. Things are getting more bare out there by the day. November is a tough month for me, saying farewell to the last of the garden!

  33. That’s a lovely image, Eliza. While working on Friday I had to travel to Montgomery and they had snow something like what you received. Here is Amherst it was lighter, well the snow itself was heavy, and did not accumulate much. Guess I should get the removal equipment up and running. 😦

  34. Robin says:

    And so my winter/snow envy begins. lol! Beautiful images, Eliza. Thank you for taking us along to see the first snow. 🙂

  35. Robin says:

    And so my winter/snow envy begins. lol! Beautiful images, Eliza. Thank you for taking us along to see the first snow. 🙂

  36. Jane Lurie says:

    The beauty of newly fallen snow. I enjoyed your wonderful images very much, Eliza. 😍

  37. So beautiful!!! They say we might get a rainstorm in 2024…..

  38. Debbie says:

    I’m definitely NOT ready for snow yet, but yours is certainly beautiful, and I’m going to enjoy it vicariously! We’re supposed to have a warmer-than-usual week ahead, and I find myself looking forward to getting out and about to enjoy that Vitamin D!!

  39. Great slideshow Eliza! We got about 10′ here on the 25th-26th and its warm and mostly melted down low. I love how the snow changes our scenery … from close-up autumn leaves to distant mountain peaks. It’s especially pretty when it clings to the vegetation as in your photos.

  40. Loved the wintery wonderland walk and between the beautiful nature trails and that deep breath, I could feel my shoulders relaxing from all the world tension. Lovely photos and especially enjoyed the blackberry leaves and river view!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, S! The river is one of my favorite views along the trail. One part has chairs for enjoying the view up and down river during the warmer months. Getting a bit too cool for that now, though. 😉

  41. First dustings of snow are magical as you’ve proven with such beautiful shots, Eliza!

  42. Indie says:

    The snow is so beautiful, especially when it clings to all the branches of the trees. I was a bit worried about so much heavy snow as so many of my trees still have their leaves, but I don’t think it caused too many branches down. My winterberry shrubs by the front door might be permanently bowed over, though, as they don’t seem to be springing back up. We shall see as temperatures rise!

  43. AmyRose🌹 says:

    As much as I don’t want to admit, these images are beautiful, Eliza. Winter for real will be here soon enough and I’m happy for you that this white stuff will not stay long. Hope your day is a good one! xo

  44. gaiainaction says:

    Your photos show us the beauty of snow, it gladdened my heart today to see your pictures, I have always loved a snowy landscape, or snow in nature! I hope it is not too cold though and that it does not destroy some plants. Thank you for sharing these wonderful sights Eliza.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you for your kind comment, Agnes. While it is snowing again this morning, it is due to warm up to 60F for the week ahead, which will be most welcome. However, all the tender annuals are gone and the perennials have progressed into dormancy. November is a bleak month, generally cold, gray and windy. Looking forward to April!

      • gaiainaction says:

        Yes November is about the bleakest month here too, wet and stormy. This year during the level 5 lock down many people are already looking forward to Christmas, some even putting up their Christmas tree. Pity that April is a bit away still….

  45. Simply stunning, picturesque💕✨

  46. it’s so nice to see photographs of snow
    Here we do not have any yet, it has also a lot topr mild for the season, the temperatures are sometimes very different from one day to another

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