Wordless Wednesday – Magnolia

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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85 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Magnolia

  1. Anne says:

    Magnificent flowers!

  2. cindy knoke says:

    They are such grand flowers!

  3. Yay, enjoy! Ours are, sadly, well over.

  4. maryjane678 says:

    Hi Eliza . Gorgeous. And now you don’t want a hard frost.


  5. Cathy says:

    Lovely. And blue skies too! 😄

  6. Sumptuous and elegant!

  7. Alice says:

    Beautiful colors, huge petals, a quick enjoyment.

  8. Lovely photo and one of my favorite signs of spring!🙂

  9. Beautiful! Ours is budded out, but we have one side branch that is really leaning. I’m debating whether it will have to be removed because it looks like it is going to break off if it gets much lower. I love that tree.

  10. neihtn2012 says:

    Nice flowers, untouched by frost!

  11. Val Boyko says:

    It makes my heart sing 💐

  12. Lovely. I love Magnolia as it is a sign that Spring is truly here…and it is such a lovely flower. (Suzanne)

  13. One of the most spectacular trees in spring. LOVE ’em.

  14. Isha Garg says:

    Goodness! Great shot!

  15. Always a gift and well worth the winter’s wait.

  16. Debbie says:

    Eliza, these are gorgeous trees. It’s a shame they’re so messy, though!

  17. Dale says:

    Beauty! I came thisclose to sharing magnolia for my WW, too! So pretty. We have a tree in the alley between our office building and a condo building. She is flowering beautifully… and now, snow is swirling all around her!

  18. Kymber Hawke says:

    How lovely! 🩷🌷🌺

  19. krispeterson100 says:

    Wow! If that tree is flowering in your garden or nearby, there’s no question that spring has stepped into gear.

  20. Widdershins says:

    Buds popping up everywhere. 😀

  21. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    What a glorious magnolia tree Eliza, so lovely to see it in bloom 🌸 xxx

  22. The color and shapes of these blossoms are marvelous!

  23. tomwhelan says:

    Is this magnolia x soulangeana? Glorious blossoms, beautiful image.

  24. shoreacres says:

    These are lovely; I enjoy the magnolias that flower before leafing out. Our southern magnolias are beginning to flower, now; some of the blooms are dinner plate size!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      I love those! And the cinnamon backside of the dark evergreen leaves are so lovely, too. Those aren’t so hardy here, but one can find them in microclimate situations. A marvelous genus overall.

  25. Karen Lang says:

    Beautiful 🌸🌸

  26. Jet Eliot says:

    The divine glory of a magnolia…lovely, Eliza.

  27. The pink flowers against that sky are a winning combination 😊

  28. naturebackin says:

    Magnolias are magnificent! I hope the forecast frost you mention did not hit them hard!

  29. Bruce@WOTC says:

    Beautiful flower. Don’t see a lot of them around here, but always admire them when we do. Wonderful capture, Eliza.

  30. Joanne says:

    Spectacular! Is this tree in your garden, Eliza?

  31. I love a Magnolia. Had a yellow magnolia and had to leave it behind. The new owners have pruned it to death. I guess that is life. It was lovely when we had it.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      I understand the feeling. I once thought of downsizing to a smaller place, but I couldn’t bear to leave my gardens and witness what the new owners would do to my life’s work!

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