Silent Sunday – April Snow

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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77 Responses to Silent Sunday – April Snow

  1. jmankowsky says:

    So very familiar!🍙👍

  2. Those birds must be happy to find the feeders!

  3. cindy knoke says:

    Yes. I am looking at a mass of April snow on the mountains of SoCal out my window. Not normal at all. But it is raining again now.

  4. So unusual in your photo Eliza…black and white all over…until the top and bottom of that feeder is a bright yellow. Almost a shock in such a world. Probably the lighthouse that guides the birds in. Great share, thank you 🤗🤣❤️🙏

  5. I love snow, but maybe not in April…

  6. Anne says:

    My son sent pictures of their latest fall of snow in Norway – just when their garden was looking spring-like. I like seeing the birds feeding on the snow.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Yes, spring surprises that cover up all the emerging bulbs. Luckily, they are tough.
      This time of year lots of folks put away their feeders (bears active) but I think this is a critical time just as they are preparing to nest and natural food supplies are diminished.

  7. Ah, yes, the white April landscape. 🙂

  8. shoreacres says:

    There are people who laughed at me when I proposed that the boys’ basketball tournament blizzard continues to be a real thing, although ‘blizzard’ might be a bit much. It looks like you have a little proof of that traditional late spring snow that I grew up with! Both photos are delightful, but I especially like the birds.

  9. treahmoon says:

    It’s a good thing you feed those hungry babies!

  10. Alice says:

    Well-fed Juncos and Goldfinches. Hmmmm, more snow…’patience is a virtue’ is put to the test, again!

  11. Wow! How many inches? A rare “spring” wonderland. Love all the little juncos!

  12. How much did you get? We got about a foot. I will post pictures tomorrow. The birds flocked to our feeders the same way that the birds flocked to yours.

  13. How pretty—and how different from fields of wildflowers on the same date. Looks like your avian almsgiving paid off.

  14. Hopefully it will be the last snow. I remember a March snow when we lived in CT and my husband couldn’t get home as they ran out of treatment for the roads.

  15. Maria says:

    It does look peaceful. On Friday morning when I walked to work it looked like that, and now everything is gone….again. Where going to have temperatures in the 50’s this coming week, and hopefully the snow is gone for the season. Hopefully, it might still come for a few more visits. When I lived further north as a child we had a tradition of snowboarding on Midsummer’s Eve (we did have to hike pretty far up on the mountain to do it.)

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thanks, Maria. They are predicting 50-60s this week here, too, so I’m thinking this is the end of it. I just it doesn’t warm up too fast… I like a long cool spring. 🙂
      Sounds like Mt. Hood with its year round riding. My sons went there a couple summers as teens (and got up to all types of mischief!).

  16. Debbie says:

    Such a peaceful scene in the first photo, but I’m glad you’ve got it and not me! The second photo, with all those hungry birds, looks like something Monk would love — I think he delights in flushing birds out en masse!

  17. Dale says:

    Pretty as it is, and it IS pretty… I am a tad done with the white stuff!

    Love these two images; the second one in particular!

  18. Chris says:

    Happy little birdies!

  19. sandyjwhite says:

    And the white stuff is drawing lots of customers to your feeders!

  20. krispeterson100 says:

    Well, it’s pretty. The birds don’t seem bothered – they clearly know where to hang out.

  21. Dale says:

    Haha! Yes! Perfect comparison 😊

  22. So pretty… in January. I hope it melts quickly. The birds know where to drop by for a snack 😊

  23. Cathy says:

    Great feeeding spot. The birds know where to go when there’s snow on the ground!

  24. Absolutely love spring storms. Had hoped some would fly around here, instead all we got was crazy winds. 😦

  25. tomwhelan says:

    Pretty scenes and images. You got more than we did, 50F today as well. Found the first bloodroot of the year this afternoon (yay!).

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Tom. The warm-up this week ought to finish off the last of the white stuff. I’ll have to check my bloodroot patch and see if any have poked through. Still early for us, but soon!

  26. Pingback: IAVOM – Hope Springs | Eliza Waters

  27. I always love the bird parties that happen during snowy days and I hope that’s your last snowy day of the season!🙂

  28. It looks so pretty, even if by now we would prefer for the moisture to arrive in the form of rain. I hope it wasn’t too cold so your burgeoning plants didn’t suffer much.

  29. Joanne says:

    I suppose you are cursing the snow, but gosh it looks pretty. ❤

  30. I also feed the birds. Don’t have snow in Queensland in Aussie. But so many especially during the rainy days. And now so much of rain 🙂

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