In A Vase on Monday – Purple & Yellow

I’ve been absent from IAVOM for a while, mostly due to time constraints, but here is a vase I put together this weekend to celebrate the peak blooms of Catmint (Nepeta racemosa), Carolina lupine (Thermopsis villosa) and Sundrops (Oenothera fruticosa).

In A Vase on Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Cathy at Rambling in the Garden. Click the link to see what vases other gardeners have created this week and are posting from their gardens.

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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91 Responses to In A Vase on Monday – Purple & Yellow

  1. Dale says:

    That is absolutely gorgeous, Eliza! You definitely have a gift for flower arranging!

  2. pbmgarden says:

    Beautiful Eliza. The flowers in their complementary colors are striking and the vase is perfect for them.

  3. Wonderful the way those lovely flowers seem to reach out with their own energy. I, too, love cobalt blue.

  4. Alice says:

    What a lovely surprise! The table top is a pretty color .& I spot a comfy Kitty!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Yes, my lovely girl got in the photo, too. 🙂 That stool was painted by a local artist and I got for a song at her tag sale years ago. It has made a great plant stand. 🙂

  5. A nice selection from your garden. I always try to test myself on plant ID. The Sundrops had me.

  6. Ellen says:

    I love your vases— inspired combos!

  7. neihtn2012 says:

    I’m glad to see these IAVOM back on your blog. This one certainly did not disappoint!

  8. Paradise of beauty…

  9. Donna Donabella says:

    I love the blue glass which is perfect for the colorful blooms you chose. Lovely and glad you are back!

  10. What a beautiful array showcasing your garden picks!

  11. Cathy says:

    Lovely colours! The yellow lupins are gorgeous Eliza. Do they grow wild? We have blue ones at our roadsides in May.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Cathy! Thermopsis is native to the more southeasterly US regions. I’ve only rarely seen it here in gardens in the northeast, never wild. It deserves to be more celebrated, it’s a great perennial.

  12. John says:

    Wow, I love the photo! A very beautiful room and hello kitty!🥰

  13. Noelle says:

    What a great looking combination of colours, and so well chosen to go with room as well as the view of the tree outside.

  14. Cathy says:

    These look really effective together, Eliza, and the slim deep blue vase is perfect for them – is it quite a heavy vase, as I wouldn’t want your arrangement to be in danger of toppling over? I wonder if anyone knows why the US and UK lupine/lupin difference came about? 😉

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Cathy. Yes, it is a very heavy glass vase with a thick bottom. Stability is essential for tall arrangements! I’m also grateful that my cat leaves arrangements alone, even if there is Nepeta in it!

  15. sandyjwhite says:

    Lovely, Eliza. I so enjoy your arrangements.

  16. Jane Lurie says:

    Love the freedom in the yellows complemented by the purples. You are talented, Eliza. 😄💜💛

  17. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    Beautiful flowers Eliza and my favourite colour combination! 💜

  18. Kris P says:

    Purple and yellow is always a stellar combination, Eliza! How do you keep you cat away from the Nepeta, though? Every time I plant that in my garden one of the neighborhood cats eats it to the ground (unless I cage it).

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thanks, Kris. My little miss doesn’t like fresh catnip for some reason, but she goes crazy for the dried. The dog likes to eat it, too, ha.

  19. Lovely arrangement, Eliza. No surprise there. 🙂

  20. Gorgeous! Purple and yellow make a stunning combination. Happy Monday!

  21. I love the lupines and have been wondering if they cut well. Very nice color combination, nice to see you IAVOM!

  22. Oh, that’s really pretty! Very nicely done. Lupines are amazing plants and great cut flowers!

  23. Val Boyko says:

    A cool and exhuberant vase 💕

  24. tonytomeo says:

    Hey, like the Los Angeles Lakers! (I am neither a fan nor near Los Angeles.) Lupine and sundrop actually look Californian, since they resemble species of the same genera that are native here.

  25. Those Carolina lupine are lovely … surprisingly elegant too! 🙂

  26. shoreacres says:

    Your Carolina lupines resemble our Baptisia sphaerocarpa so closely I had to take a second and third look. I’ve not come across Thermopsis before. When I looked at the BONAP map, I saw why; there’s not a single species native to Texas. Yours certainly look good in that cobalt vase.

    Is that kitty as large as it appears in the photo?

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Yes, the flowers do look similar and if not for the leaves, I’d have a time of it. My kitty is lean, but long. Curled up, she looks big. She’d be bigger, if she had her way with the kibble!

  27. Eliza, your vase is stunning! I’ve always liked the paring of purple and yellow. I’m glad to see that your kitty also made it into the shot. He/she?

  28. Debbie says:

    Glorious!! The arrangement is splendid, and the colors go so well together.

  29. maryjane678 says:

    Hi Eliza. I love your vases! Keep them coming.

  30. Oh, how I have missed your beautiful vases and love the gorgeous room with a lovely view and adorable cat!!🙂

  31. This is a spectacular arrangement, Eliza. How amazing to have all these flowers blooming in your own garden!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Tanja! I have to have cut flowers in my home year round for my sanity. 🙂 During the warm seasons, I always have several vases spread around. It is such a joy to pick and create from my own gardens.

  32. Chloris says:

    A gorgeous summery arrangement. Lovely colour combination.

  33. Rupali says:

    Looks beautiful.

  34. Very Pretty ❤ ❤ ❤

  35. That’s a beautiful bouquet and home setting. (That birch photo in the background looks like one of my aspen photos!)

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