Wordless Wednesday – Morning View

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, photographer, naturalist, writer
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65 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Morning View

  1. treahmoon says:

    How inviting! I love paths through gardens. It looks beautiful.

  2. Anne says:

    This is a beautiful view.

  3. shoreacres says:

    What is the lavender in your garden? It’s a lovely accent.

  4. Alice says:

    This looks so enjoyably peaceful & organized. What are all the thin poles? Do you have solar lights?

  5. And what a view! So lovely.

  6. What a wonderful outlook on the day–and the summer ahead. It would be great to take this photo each week to see all the exciting goings-on in the garden.

  7. Pepper says:

    A beautiful morning view that draws the eyes in to wonder what is beyond the trees.

  8. Dawn Minott says:

    Idyllic. Take me there!!

  9. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    What a beautiful view to wake up to Eliza! 💚

  10. Jet Eliot says:

    Wow, Eliza, your garden is glorious! Tall trees, lush greenery, beautiful paths. I like that you have the wild meadow, too, and I can imagine it hosts many butterflies, insects and birds. Your Wednesday morning view is heavenly.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Jet. It sets the perfect tone for the day.
      My meadow evolved from No Mow May, it was too beautiful to cut in June and yes, lots of little butterflies, whose larvae eat grasses. Hairstreaks, skippers and pearl crescents are numerous.

  11. dawnbirdau says:

    Ohhh! Your garden view made me take a deep, deep breath.

  12. Dale says:

    Oh wow! How can you ever be in a bad mood? If you are, just open the door and step outside, I say. Lovely.

  13. krispeterson100 says:

    And a lovely view it is, Eliza! It’s at that wonderful phase when the garden is both attractive and tidy, before summer’s exuberance defies all controls.

  14. I think I may need a new adjective, but I’ll go with striking view, and I know it is only accomplished with a lot of hard work. 👏👏

  15. A place with actual lawn and perennials, Yay! beautiful.

  16. Maria says:

    Very expansive!

  17. Karen Lang says:

    Beautiful as always 🧡🌈🧡🏡

  18. A fine sight over a morning coffee 😊

  19. Cathy says:

    Lovely to see your garden again Eliza. I like the pathway, and is there a fence there to keep out unwanted visitors? We have a fence all around our garden and meadow – keeps deer out and apparently there are occasionally wild boar here too. Wouldn’t want to come face to face with a sow with her babies!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Cathy. Yes, we’ve had to use a deer fence since the deer population has become problematic. They nibble just about everything unless it is fenced or sprayed with deer repellent. Gardening is not for the faint of heart, lol!
      Wild boar sound scary, at least we don’t have that to worry about!

  20. Beautiful indeed! And so inviting.

  21. tomwhelan says:

    Lovely and serene.

  22. Your nurturing of the earth and nature as you have and do, creates an amazing place upon which to gaze, contemplate…and dream. Absolutely beautiful, Eliza. Even in the photo I appreciate the serenity. 🙏🏻💜

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Carrie. It is paradise to us. We even have a pair of bluebirds (of happiness) that grace us with their company and hopefully will produce a brood in the nest box. 🙂

  23. Debbie says:

    An absolutely stunning view, Eliza. You’ve done an outstanding job tending your portion of God’s green earth!

  24. A beautiful peaceful capture, Eliza!

  25. What a gorgeous view for enjoying your morning tea or coffee!! Your garden looks wonderful and love the path!🙂

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