Silent Sunday – Ginormous!

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, photographer, naturalist, writer
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81 Responses to Silent Sunday – Ginormous!

  1. Holy cow-now that’s what I call one big berry! What’s your secret?

  2. Karen Lang says:

    Amazing 👏👏❤️❤️❤️

  3. Dale says:

    My goodness! That is GINORMOUS!

  4. David says:

    Wow! Was it sweet, as far as strawberries go?

  5. germac4 says:

    That is one healthy strawberry! Congratulations you must have good soil!

  6. Anne says:

    I have never seen a strawberry this large!

  7. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    Wowsah! What a beauty Eliza! 🍓

  8. Yeehah! That is a beauty Eliza, you could almost feed the neighborhood. Keep the plant going with many shoots, you could sell it as a family size Behemoth Berry’s 🤗🤣❤️🙏

  9. Alice says:

    That one takes the 🍓 crown!😁 That must be an EGO (Eliza Grown Organism).

  10. Holy Cow! I mean, Holy Strawberry! Enough f9r a pie!!

  11. WOW! The chipmunks and squirrels got 99% of mine. 😦

  12. Pepper says:

    That looks like the perfect amount of summer deliciousness!

  13. treahmoon says:

    OMG! Maybe 4 of those would make a quart! Hope it was sweet. 🙂

  14. Chris King says:
    WOW!! From your garden? Puts mine to shame!


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  15. shoreacres says:

    That one looks like it might require a knife and fork!

  16. Maria says:

    WOW! How did it taste? Was it as good as it looks? Mine aren’t ripe yet.

  17. Wow! That is one whole short cake worth of strawberry!

  18. derrycats says:


  19. Wow! Was it as sweet as the smaller ones?

  20. Jane Lurie says:

    Woah, Eliza. That’s crazy! Hope it tasted as good as it looks. 🍓

  21. Diana says:

    WOW!! That’s amazing and I bet delicious!!! 🤩

  22. Debbie says:

    Holy cow — that’s one BIG berry!! I hope it tasted as good as it looks!

  23. Maria says:

    Didn’t know they got so big!

  24. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    Wow that is a big one – a feast in itself

  25. Widdershins says:

    Heavens to Murgatroid!!! Mutant strawberries take over the earth! 😀 … sounds OK to me. 😀

  26. Wow! Was it tasty too 😊

  27. cindy knoke says:

    Amazing Eliza! I would hate to cut it up ❦

  28. krispeterson100 says:

    That’s almost scary…

  29. Oh my goodness, a strawberry on steroids!

  30. bittster says:

    Oh my gosh! You could eat that one by the slice

  31. maryjane678 says:

    That should win prizes!


  32. Yikes! (Do you have extremely small hands? If not, that’s about the size of a peach!)

  33. Cathy says:

    Wow! Enough for a whole family! 🤣 Happy strawberry season Eliza!

  34. That is quite the specimen. I hope it tasted as good as it looks.

  35. I hope it tasted as good as it looked. The grower might win the state fair with a strawberry like this. 🍓

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