Wordless Wednesday – Giant Leopard Moth

2″ Giant Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia)

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, photographer, naturalist, writer
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83 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Giant Leopard Moth

  1. Dawn Minott says:

    Wowzaaaa!!!! Are they harmless?!

  2. Delightful coloring Eliza, even in black and white. A lovely statement 😀❤️🙏

  3. Anne says:

    What a beauty!

  4. Karen Lang says:

    Amazing! 😳🧡

  5. maryjane678 says:

    Hi Eliza.

    what a beautiful , beautiful creature!!


  6. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    Aww what a beauty Eliza, such a treat to see! 💛 xxx

  7. Cathy says:

    That is quite beautiful! I love those markings.

  8. That is so snazzy!!!!!

  9. Alice says:

    Gorgeous! Imagine looking that interesting! I read that the caterpillars have quite a varied appetite.

  10. Wow! I’ve never seen one of those.

  11. wow! I’ve never seen anything like that. So cool.

  12. Sherry Felix says:

    I saw one of these once. So pretty.

  13. treahmoon says:

    WOW! Did you see that at your house?? Stunning.

  14. It has an interesting design on it. I always think nature makes great designs for fabric.

  15. Wow! I’ve never seen one before! What an amazing creature!

  16. Tina says:

    Beautiful photo! I’ve seen these in my garden too, though not for a long time.

  17. ke01341 says:

    A very special gift from nature

  18. Holy cow…that’s quite the specimen.

  19. Dale says:

    Whoa! Would ya look at that? It’s huuuuuuge!

  20. susurrus says:

    Amazing. It must be quite something to see one of these in flight.

  21. krispeterson100 says:

    What an interesting creature! It looks like he/she was the product of a modern art project.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Indeed! With that coloring I’d think the only safe place for them would be a white birch, but looking them up they are considered ‘generalist’ in diet. I do recall coming across a caterpillar last year in the same area that looks like it could possibly have been this one. One remark was that leaving leaf litter in the fall encourages their success. Lazy gardener wins again! 😀

  22. What a beautiful pattern it has! I’ve never seen one before.

  23. Debbie says:

    Awesome — I’ve never seen one of these!

  24. Incredible! What amazing markings

  25. shoreacres says:

    I’ve never seen one of these; what a beautiful creature, and what a find. The salt marsh moth caterpillars I so often find turn into a black and white moth as well, but they’re much smaller and not nearly so dramatic. I’m so glad this one posed for you, since it was a first sighting!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Remarkable it was! Funnily enough, in looking it up, I recognized the larva I saw last fall and set aside into the hedge, thinking it might be a significant adult. Boy, was it ever!

  26. I thought this must be a rock before I enlarged it. Isn’t that something.

  27. Jane Lurie says:

    Now that is a big wow, Eliza. What a cool looking creature! 🙂

  28. Mic. says:

    Nice photographs, Eliza! What a beautiful creature! I don’t recall ever seeing one myself but my spouse photographed one too, just yesterday.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you! Apparently, they are common, but perhaps we don’t see them because they are nocturnal? This one was awaiting darkness about an hour before sundown.

      • Mic. says:

        …the amazing diversity of nature, right in our own backyards. Even at my age and having tried to be somewhat observant all my life, the joy of still finding creatures I’ve not seen. 🙂

  29. Vicki says:

    What a beauty! In terms of size and wing/body colour and pattern.

    It looks like some exotic butterfly that is only found in the tropics. But of course, it’s a moth.

  30. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    A beautiful moth – such amazing markings

  31. Rebecca says:

    What a treat to see one of these beautiful moths!

  32. Maria says:

    Wow! I’ve never seen anything like it!

  33. Maria says:

    First one for me. What pattern it has!

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