IAVOM – Precious Jewels

The colors in this week’s vase remind me of precious gemstones: rubies, sapphires, emeralds and pearls. Too bad I don’t have those for props! 🤩 Instead, I have ruby peonies (P. lactiflora no ID), sapphire veronica (V. ‘Crater Lake Blue’), emerald ladies mantle (Alchemilla mollis) and pearly Korean dogwood (Cornus kousa). Other players are lamb’s ear blooms (Stachys byzantina) and foxglove (Digitalis purpurea).

And since this is THE week for peonies in my garden, I picked an armload of white ones to put in my cobalt vase. Such joy they bring!

Thanks to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden who hosts the weekly garden meme In A Vase On Monday, featuring flowers from our gardens. Click the link to join or see what others are sharing this week.

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, photographer, naturalist, writer
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84 Responses to IAVOM – Precious Jewels

  1. Maria says:

    Gorgeous colours indeed! It is starting to become the season of lupins here. They are so invase that authorities are encouraging people to pick big bouquets, enjoy them inside, and through them in the burn pile afterwards, to prevent them from going to seed outside.

  2. tonytomeo says:

    Wow, that dogwood is impressive. It took me a while and reading its name to recognize it.

  3. Anne says:

    This is a delightfully ‘fresh’ looking set of arrangements.

  4. The white ones are too beautiful! So charming!

  5. Chloris says:

    You certainly have used treasures in your beautiful arrangements. Picking your fabulous peonies annd cornus must have caused a pang.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Liz. Gratefully, I have a fairly mature garden, so there is great abundance. I have an overgrown bed left by the previous owner, so every peony gets cut to enjoy inside.

  6. Alice says:

    What a delightful abundance!! I think you are the gem for sharing your joy!

  7. Very pretty. We had a lot of rain, and they did some damage to our peonies.

  8. neihtn2012 says:

    They are true jewels!

  9. Beautiful Eliza! The drooping dogwood really do resemble strings or drops of pearls!

  10. treahmoon says:

    Oh my gosh…..those peonies! There’s something about abundance, isn’t there?

  11. Dale says:

    What a perfect title for the first vase!

    Love both bouquets.

  12. shoreacres says:

    The white peonies in the cobalt vase are perfect; the simplicity of the arrangement appeals to me as much as the colors. I especially like the occasional magenta touches on the flowers’ petals.

  13. What a lovely collection of precious gems! The white peonies in the cobalt vase look stunning! Enjoy the abundance of your peony week! 🙂

  14. That is a great combination of flowers and of course the peonies really grab attention.

  15. Donna Donabella says:

    Both vases are quite magnificent. That blue with the white peonies is especially eye-catching. But I must say the first full bouquet caught my eye too. It’s like an armful of blooms freshly plucked from the garden in early morning on an olde English estate as the lady of the manor wanders around with her secateurs and basket.

  16. Wow, Cornus kousa, it’s been ages since I have seen one. The bloom is impressive and looking grand in your vase.

  17. It is a jewel of an arrangement, but I love the white in the blue vase too.

  18. derrycats says:

    Love me those peonies!

  19. Festiva Maxima is my favorite peony…it’s fragrance is simply amazing. Mine were very floriferous this year too.

  20. Debbie says:

    Oh, Eliza, these are gorgeous! I especially love those jeweled tones, but the purity of all-white flowers in a cobalt vase can’t help but catch one’s eye. Most of the peonies around here, sadly, have reached the end of their blooming period, leaving behind brown-tinged petals, empty stems, and bunches of leaves.

  21. These are absolutely gorgeous!🩷🌺 Your title is perfect for these photos!

  22. The white peonies in your vase is my favourite bouquet…though the other one is also very nice. (Suzanne)

  23. Total gorgous-ness! Especially the contract of the white peonies with the cobalt blue vase. Beautiful!

  24. Chris King says:


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  25. krispeterson100 says:

    I can’t even imagine an armload of peonies, Eliza. I love the frothy touch of Alchemilla in the first vase too, along with all the gem tones.

  26. maryjane678 says:

    Hi Eliza . A wonderfully lyrical description. I’ve had to bring my pots down inside the boat as the rain and wind are so awful they will shred them or drench them – or both! Awful weather here in Netherlands.


  27. Beautiful, Eliza! I love the Lady’s Mantle in there with all the other colors.

  28. Maria says:

    I concur that this is a lyrical arrangement. The variety is inspiring!

  29. pbmgarden says:

    These flowers are lovely together, Eliza, and I laughed at your prop list! Your Korean dogwood is quite gorgeous as a cut flower.

  30. tomwhelan says:

    Such beautiful colors!

  31. Cathy says:

    That is a fabulous arrangement Eliza! So dreamy and full of gorgeous frills and froth! Love the use of the dogwood and Stachys at the base. 💕

  32. Vicki says:

    Those peonies are such a joy to my heart. I never get tired of their frothy volume.

    The lovely colourful vase full is lovely too.

    When I had my own herb garden many years ago, I grew Lady’s Mantle just so I could enjoy the tiny raindrops that formed a pattern and clung to the leaves.

  33. Such lovely flowers!

  34. Tracy says:

    WOW! Both are stunning. Love the jewels and the all white!

  35. The flowers and arrangements have been fabulous this spring, especially love the ruby peonies and lamb’s ear!🙂

  36. Lovely color combos, Eliza. I think the floral jewels are more precious than the mineral ones.

  37. A beautiful variety! I particularly like the peonies in that cobalt blue vase😊

  38. Murtagh's Meadow says:


  39. Cathy says:

    Oh wow, Eliza – how glorious is that! What bounty – a real treasure chest of jewels! It always surprises how much impact the humble foxglove and alchemilla make to vase, so of course with your gorgeous peonies being the mainstay, your vase is definitely a winner – and then there are those beautiful white peones in the blue vase too….

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