Wordless Wednesday – Peonies

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, photographer, naturalist, writer
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58 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Peonies

  1. Rupali says:

    I am waiting for mine to bloom 😊

  2. Alice says:

    Beauties!! Isn’t it amazing, when you see that bud, that a huge fluffy flower emerges?!

  3. Beautiful. Our peonies are like they are on steroids this year – massive blooms and massive amounts of blooms. I love it!

  4. Whoah…these are a delight. Dressed in a lovely pink Eliza 😀❤️🙏

  5. Cathy says:

    💕 This produced a deep sigh from me. Have a lovely Wednesday Eliza!

  6. Ah, peonies…such beautiful flower. (Suzanne)

  7. I thought I was looking at roses. That is a very pretty delicate color.

  8. shoreacres says:

    A memory-filled flower for me. Peonies were the standard cemetery flower when I was growing up, because they would come back after Iowa winters, and they were a favorite of my mother and grandmother. This year, I saw cut peonies in my local grocery for the first time ever: brought in for Mother’s Day, I suppose.

  9. Best time of the year when the Queen of the garden blooms. Beautiful, Eliza.

  10. Debbie says:

    You know, Eliza, I like peonies (except for the ants!), and these are stunning. Maybe I’ll find some to plant … far away from the house though!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Yes, the ants are helping opening the buds, so don’t be too mad at them. 😉 I picked a big bouquet this afternoon and most were pretty easy to shake out. 🙂

  11. krispeterson100 says:

    So darn beautiful! My Itoh peony foliage finally showed up this year but of course there’s no sign of flowers 😦

  12. pbmgarden says:

    Irresistibly beautiful and fragrant too I imagine.

  13. So lovely, I was out taking photos of my neighbor’s peonies today.🙂

  14. tomwhelan says:

    Like pretty pink cabbages. I’ve never grown them, the fragrance must be amazing.

  15. Maria says:

    It’s amazing how round that bud is!

  16. derrycats says:

    I love peonies. One of my all-time favorites. So sad they don’t last long, but so gorgeous when they bloom.

  17. I think that delicate pink of the peony is my favourite of them all! Lovely 😊

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Belinda. My spouse built that fence to support them when they get heavy and tend to flop, esp. in the rain, which is due any minute now! 🌧️

  18. Jet Eliot says:

    I loved this photo because it is so lush with billowy summer greenery and your peonies are absolutely gorgeous, Eliza. It is a quintessential eastern U.S. summer scene.

  19. Val Boyko says:

    Lovely! I expect they are over after the rain… but always a treat at this time of year.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      They are a special treat, for sure. While we are later blooming than you are, the rain last night did shatter a few blooms. However, the secondary buds are coming along, the encore. 🙂

  20. Vicki says:

    I love peonies. The delicate leaf pattern is so much better than roses.

    I’ve never seen them in a residential or public garden, only in florist shops.

  21. So lovely! Seeing them always brings me back to my grandfather telling me how much his mother treasured the peonies in her garden.

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