IAVOM – Bronze Iris

My favorite bearded iris came into bloom this last week, so it is the star of this week’s vase. Gifted to me, the cultivar name is lost, alas, but I refer to it as my ‘root beer’ iris. Additionally, there are plenty of other bronzy-purple flowers and foliage keeping it company.

Also included are Columbine (Aquilegia), orange Geum ‘Totally Tangerine,’ white Camassia leitchlinii, white native windflower (Anemone canadensis), and rose Weigela florida. Filler and foliage additions are ruby Acer palmatum dissectum, chartreuse Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) and Brome (Bromus) grass.

Thanks to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden who hosts the weekly garden meme In A Vase On Monday, featuring flowers from our gardens. Click the link to join or see what others are sharing this week.

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, photographer, naturalist, writer
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91 Responses to IAVOM – Bronze Iris

  1. tonytomeo says:

    What a striking iris! Bearded iris are such excellent perennials. I have so many in my garden, and so many at work, and they all have history. I acquired my first Iris pallida (which I still consider to be bearded iris) from my great grandmother’s garden before I was in kindergarten. However, bearded iris is also one of the few perennials that I would purchase if I happen to ever find a particular cultivar that I WANT; ‘San Jose’!

  2. Bronze velvet! A lovely rich colour theme and combination of flowers and foliage. Jennywren@zonethreegardenlife

  3. Rupali says:

    These are beautiful.

  4. Karen Lang says:

    Beautiful 🧡🧡

  5. Tanvir Kaur says:

    Ohh heartwarming share

  6. Anne says:

    I have not seen an iris this colour: both unusual and beautiful.

  7. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    What a beautiful colour Eliza, it looks especially gorgeous as the centrepiece of your wonderful vase 🧡 xxx

  8. Alice says:

    Your ‘root-beer’ color palette is very unusual…but amazing! What a variety of blooms.

  9. Dawn Minott says:

    Wow, never seen this color iris. Absolutely gorgeous. I love the rustic look of this bouquet. Beautifully composed Eliza.

  10. Oh my, doesn’t she stand out Eliza. And such a powerful blossom in size, nothing is going to outshine her 🤣❤️🙏

  11. Yeah, that’s a lovely and unusual colour, as is the Columbine, I think.

  12. Maria says:

    Nice combination of colors!

  13. pbmgarden says:

    The iris is one to admire and treasure. I like how Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ supports its unusual color.

  14. treahmoon says:

    Iris have to be the most stunning flowers. Ironically, my brown iris just opened

    today as well! I’ll try & find the name of it for you.

  15. Your iris has a nice color and root beer is a good name for it.

  16. Dale says:

    Gorgeous bouquet and I love your Root Beer Iris! 🙂

  17. A very unique looking arrangement.

  18. Donna Donabella says:

    What an unusual iris color…beautiful. And I love the plant material and flowers you chose to accompany it. Subtle and gorgeous. Love the name you gave it. Now I want an icy cold root beer.

  19. Another nice bouquet. My irises are almost all done but it was nice while it lasted. I like the flower but its blooming is way too short. So many things are coming up though; it is fun to watch. I see that your garden is producing of beautiful flowers already. (Suzanne)

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thanks, Suzanne. You must live right in the warmth of the city, seeing you are north of me. Most of my iris only started this past week, but there is a patch next to house facing south that bloomed weeks earlier.
      Yes, my garden is now going full-on toward summer. So exciting. 🙂

  20. krispeterson100 says:

    Well done! I love bronze flowers – and root beer! How long do your bearded Iris last as cut Flowers? My “fancy” ones don’t seem to last more than a couple of days even when I leave them in the garden. The tougher noID variety that came with the garden on the back slope is the only one that seems to have any lasting power as a cut flower.

  21. Cathy says:

    Your iris makes for a dramatic vase, accentuated by the dark foliage you have included – and the fillers show just what can be done with a vase arranged around a single bloom. Thanks for sharing

  22. Tina says:

    It’s a gorgeous color!

  23. Debbie says:

    “Root beer” iris?? Eliza, I’d say you’ve named this one aptly. And how pretty it is, nestled among those other colored flowers!

  24. maryjane678 says:

    Gorgeous Eliza. What a colour! And you’ve picked a good name for it.


  25. Each flower complements the other in this beautiful arrangement! What an extraordinary colour the Iris is too.

  26. That iris is a stunner, Eliza!

  27. Oh! I will now and forever think of this as the rootbeer plant. Gorgeous colors, Eliza. Enjoy the week.

  28. tomwhelan says:

    The root beer iris looks great with the columbine and windflower – pretty arrangements.

  29. Pretty combination and a nice, rich root beer color. some of the brown iris don’t reach me, I love this one and the Jap Maple foliage. It looks like a beautiful day.

  30. Vicki says:

    What a beauty. Love that brown-colour (iris).

    I used to have a photo of a lovely brown iris, but both the iris garden bed in the Royal Botanic Gardens and my photo (of it) have disappeared in cyberspace.

  31. Beautiful! We have one peach one and one white one that I look for each season.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Judy. Yours sound lovely.
      Every June when I see everyone’s iris, I vow to get more more, but I don’t seem to get around to ordering them. The slugs have been badly munching the ones I do have. I need a garden surrounded by copper!

  32. What a great name: root beer iris.

  33. Jet Eliot says:

    Ahh, such an elegant arrangement, Eliza. Your gift with flowers is a joy. Your “root beer” iris is indeed a prize, and I like all the colors, shapes and textures that you chose to highlight it.

  34. Timelesslady says:

    Lovely iris. Definitely the star of your beautiful bouquet. Fun!

  35. Cathy says:

    Oooh, that is fabulous! I love all the shades of bronze and orange. You have such pretty columbines. So much to love in just one vase! 💕

  36. Love the root beer flower and the wild vibe to this arrangement!🙂

  37. That’s a lovely hue. I don’t think I have ever seen a completely bronze iris like this before.

  38. jmankowsky says:

    Hurrah for the Root beer Iris! Very cool!

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