Week of Flowers 2021 – Day Seven

summer garden Thanks goes to Cathy at Words and Herbs blog for hosting her second annual Week of Flowers, where fellow bloggers have shared daily posts of flowers and gardens to give a dose of cheer to those in northern climes, where the short days this time of year are often dark and dreary. This is the final day of sharing the green and flowery profusion of the summer months. Open to all, feel free to join in by clicking the link above, or simply to see links to what others are sharing.

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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57 Responses to Week of Flowers 2021 – Day Seven

  1. swesely says:

    Thank you for this sunny and warm picture on a freezing cold night (2F in MN right now)! What are the orange flowers on the left?

  2. Anne says:

    Beautiful clumps of bright colour in your garden.

  3. Cathy says:

    A lovely glimpse of your garden again Eliza. 😃 Thanks for joining in! 🤗

  4. Cathy says:

    Certainly a flowery profusion in your garden, Eliza! So nice to see your pictures this week. Have an excellent week!

  5. A breath of warm spring air! All those colors — except for the evergreens, everything is so dull now…

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Barbara. The lack of light and color can feel oppressive this time of year. I’m grateful for the evergreens for their bit of color in the landscape. 🙂

  6. What a beautiful way to end! Love that drift of colors.

  7. Treah Pichette says:

    Boy, it’s really noticeable how much higher the sun is in the sky! Brings me right back to summer…..who needs a lightbox! 😉

  8. Alice says:

    ……and we are ending our stroll through Eliza’s lovely gardens…thank you!

  9. Dale says:

    Oh no! Not already the last day!!
    Beautiful gardens you have. Thank you for sharing!

  10. candidkay says:

    Love it! And much needed during these cold, gray days . . .

  11. pbmgarden says:

    Such a pretty garden, Eliza! I’ve enjoyed seeing your flowers again.

  12. gaiainaction says:

    Lovely cheerful flowers Eliza!

  13. Kris P says:

    I love seeing panoramic views of your garden, Eliza!

  14. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    Oh these wonderful images are cheering me up every day.

  15. susurrus says:

    This scene is the very definition of uplifting. Sending my congratulations to the gardener, the designer and the photographer!

  16. Isha says:

    Hi, Eliza! Hope you’re doing well! This picture is so pretty. Such a perfect storybook setting 💐❤️

  17. Delightful viewing on an icy cold day!

  18. dianaed14 says:

    A cheerful garden with lots of colour. We do get bright days when the sun brings out mellow tones on buildings. Of course my garden is asleep!

  19. Dee Min says:

    Oh soooo pweedy 😊😉😊

  20. Dee Min says:

    I could picnic here!!!

  21. What a great slice of colour! What are the orange flowers bottom left? Coreopsis?

    • Eliza Waters says:

      I tried to remember … at first I thought it was an annual Bidens, but considering, it may well be a (not long-lived )Coreopsis. I succumb to impulse-buying all the time!

  22. A beautiful collection … our flowers are very long gone! These are a nice reminder.

  23. The perfect garden and lovely photo!!🙂

  24. Pingback: Week of Flowers 2021 – Day Seven | Purplerays

  25. Beautiful flowers. Here is Aussie Brisbane we are into Summer, but it is raining almost non stop. So nice to see so much of Beautiful flowers. Thank Eliza ❤ ❤ ❤

  26. naturebackin says:

    Lovely and cheerful – here in eastern KwaZulu-Natal we are in a stretch of very cool temps, constantly overcast with lots of rain. Grateful for the rain but very nice to see the brightness in your photo!

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