First Snowfall

First snowfall

We received our first snowfall today! It is not all that unusual for us to have a few inches of snow in October, but it usually melts after a day or two. December is when our ground freezes and any new snowfall will stay with us on average through the end of March.

I took a walk around our trails with my camera to capture the wintery wonderland. The air was crisp and fresh; small, foraging birds were darting through the snowy cover and melting drops paused on the tips of leaves still clinging to their mother plant. Enjoy the slideshow below and don’t forget to breathe deeply!

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About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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118 Responses to First Snowfall

  1. Beautiful landscapes Eliza, the snow sets the autumn colours off well.

  2. Ashley says:

    Can’t believe you had snow in October! Your pictures are wonderful.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Ashley. It happens every few years, we once got 3″ in Sept. Luckily, these early snows melt within a few days. Once the ground freezes in Dec., any snowfall sticks around.

  3. nshami14 says:

    Oh, goodness. How lovely! The frosted maple leaves were my favorite, but enjoyed it all. Thanks for sharing!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Nailah. Those early surprise storms are beautiful, esp. knowing that they won’t last, ha! 😉

      • nshami14 says:

        I hear you. I like a good burst of snow for ground cover, and then no more. Especially, if I don’t have to go anywhere. LOL. It’s so pretty though!

      • Eliza Waters says:

        That it is. I’ve taught myself to focus on the beauty of winter and ignore the inconvenient bits. 😉 One of my favorites is moonlight on snow, or the glittering of crystals in the sun. Spellbinding!

      • nshami14 says:

        Oh, that does sound spellbinding! I don’t think I’ve been in that scene before. I love the backdrop of Fall, even though it’s cold-cold. Especially the leaf colors. Rust, lime, forest green and the last of my leaves in the yard have finally turned mustard. Such an inspiring color!

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