Newborn Twins

Whitetailed FawnWhitetailed FawnMy sister took these two photos of newborn white-tailed deer fawns in the woods near her house. They were still wet!

They were well camouflaged amidst the beech leaves and didn’t move a muscle. Apparently, newborns do not have a scent in order to avoid detection from predators.

Their mama did come back for them as they were gone when she returned to check on them later. Off into the world– Bon chance, wee ones!

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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138 Responses to Newborn Twins

  1. Oh my, they are so sweet!

  2. Mic. says:

    What an encounter! The first photo especially shows why we don’t see them very often…amazing how well it blends into its environment.

  3. Adele Brand says:

    Oh, how lovely! And blending so well into the leaves.

  4. zinderellie says:

    Awww… so sweet!

  5. pkphotooftheday says:

    So adorable 😊.

  6. Oh my goodness … how precious! Great captures Eliza!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Denise. Credit goes to my sister, captured with her phone. She took some quick shots and left so as not to disturb them too much.

  7. Gracefully Global travels says:

    They are just wonderful! ❤

  8. Ah how lovely, I bet she was really thrilled to come across those two.

  9. Nuella Igwe says:

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