Spring Wildflower Walk


Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum)

Walking in the woods in search of wildflowers is one of my favorite things to do in spring. Countless flowers push forth from the deep, leafy humus before the trees leaf out, taking advantage of the warm sunshine and completing their life cycle in a few short weeks before the canopy fills in and shades the forest floor. Many, like the Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) above, will completely disappear, while others, like violets, will keep their leaves, making what food they can in the dim light.


These photos were taken at The Trustees of Reservations Chapel Falls Brook, a hike I featured during Walktober, another lovely time of year to visit.


Hobblebush (Viburnum lantanoides)

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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59 Responses to Spring Wildflower Walk

  1. Alice Pratt says:

    Almost: “beautiful-secrets-of-the-woods”…. including Lady Slippers & Wild Oats.

  2. Christy B says:

    Oh it’s lovely to come on this walk with you! Glorious, actually 🙂

  3. dorannrule says:

    And it is definitely the season of new birth with nature showcasing her fledgling wild flowers.Thanks for taking us along on this lovely walk.

  4. Love the hobblebush, what a pretty leaf 🍃🍀

  5. arlingwoman says:

    Ahhhh, I love trout lilies (aka dog tooth violets) and up in the upper right of that first picture, I think you also got some spring beauties. Lovely.

  6. Val Boyko says:

    I am a fool for the awakening of Spring blossoms ….. 💕🙏💕

  7. Beautiful photos! It’s a delight to find the winter-barren Forest filled with wildflower jewels on e again. Blessings, Sarah

  8. cindy knoke says:

    How lovely! Wonderful photos. We both live on similar acreage and we both have wildflowers.

  9. Can’t beat spring with all the wildflowers! Very nice photos Eliza

  10. jenanita01 says:

    such a variety of spring flowers you have, I recognise some of them!

  11. Anne says:

    What a lovely introduction to ‘your’ wild flowers!

  12. Brian Skeys says:

    Hobblebush, great name, beautiful picture.

  13. Jim R says:

    It is annually refreshing to see these little things each spring. How dreadful to someday experience Silent Spring.

  14. Kathy Sturr says:

    Oooooh my favorite, woodland wild flowers! Love! I just came from the lake where I didn’t walk about much due to the days of rain and much mud BUT I did notice some dutchman’s breaches blooming and violets. Did not see the trilliums but my trillium in the home garden is now in bloom. I’ll have to walk about more once it dries out a little. I can’t wait to peak at the vernal pools close up!

  15. susurrus says:

    Lovely. I can’t remember ever seeing a wild yellow violet before.

  16. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    Spring seems to be marching on there. Looks lovely

  17. MK says:

    So glad you’re on the upside of the year!

  18. albert says:

    I was struck by this phrase: “making what food they can in the dim light.” It gave me a new understanding of the drive for life in nature. In all of us living beings.

  19. Laurie Graves says:

    So nice to go on a walk with your. A beautiful place.

  20. Christina says:

    Watching what all the native plants do is a great way to learn about what will flower in our own gardens and to note the conditions they like. Thanks for taking me along on your walk Eliza.

  21. Sherry Felix says:

    Lovely. I like seeing the names.

  22. What a lovely spring walk. Nice to see the brook too. My favourite walks are along rivers. Never seen yellow violets before!

  23. Heaven in earth…

  24. naturebackin says:

    Lovely to see your woodland and wild flowers in the spring. And that rushing stream looks amazing too. Beautiful photos. I have found that taking pics in dappled light can be challenging.

  25. Lovely to see your woodland and wild flowers in the spring. Nice to see the brook too.

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