Hunkering Down

IMG_4342A Northern Cardinal and a Blue Jay, awaiting their turn at the feeder, are hunkering down against the cold on a snowy day. Their bright colors stand out against the lichen-encrusted branches, offering a cheerful contrast to the dull gray of winter.

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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35 Responses to Hunkering Down

  1. What a wonderful photograph. Just beautiful.

  2. Heather says:

    A nice touch of color 🙂

  3. dorannrule says:

    Winter has made a bird watcher out of me.

  4. Clearly it’s the cold that has caused me to puff up so, right? I mean look at the birds. No? Sigh. Love seeing that brilliant red and blue in this monochrome world of winter.

  5. They both are so pretty! I’m sure they knew you were taking that picture! 🙂

  6. Robbie says:

    just beautiful. I love the markings on the blue-jay + that pop of red every winter just lifts my spirits!
    The weather man today said, “no more cold after this spell”-lol-we shall see! I am getting so use to this cold weather that when it is 35 + sunny, I go without a jacket! LOL:-)

  7. Maria F. says:

    I can’t believe how these Red Cardinals simply don’t mind all that snow!

  8. mk says:

    The patches of bird color against their perches is quite delicate & beautiful. I confess that their puffiness make me feel quite sorry for them.

  9. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    You are right they are so colorful against the greyness of winter. We have nothing as colorful here in Ireland.

  10. This is a PERFECT winter photo. All it needs is a frame. 🙂

  11. I love the colors of this one. Cardinals are one of my favorites.

  12. ladyfi says:

    Wonderful bright colours!

  13. Robin says:

    This is such a beautiful image. And so very winter. I love how such small creatures brings such bright color to the landscape. 🙂

  14. Kathy Sturr says:

    Oh, I feel so guilty for abandoning my birds this cold, cold winter. I have planted a lot of berries and seeds, however, but I always kept the feeders full and put out peanuts and heated water. I left a solar bath but I’m sure it’s just a block of ice – not even a January thaw! I miss my birds and garden. Until I saw the picture of my car my neighbor sent me, that is.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      It has been a pretty extreme winter here. I think the birds are well-adapted and will head over to the neighbors feeders. Yes, your car does justify your case for leaving the winter behind. Be gentle with it when you get back, it may be resentful of your leaving it behind. 😉

      On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Eliza Waters wrote:


  15. Rebecca says:

    Stunning, Eliza. Such gorgeous colours right in the middle of winter. They must have lifted your heart, those two little birds …

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Indeed they did and still do. We feed until the first week of April, then the black bears come out of hibernation and destroy everything, so we must take the feeders in.

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