Painted Sky

IMG_2291Painted like a giant watercolor, the sky is awash in orange and lavender. The clouds are varied, from misty fog bank to lightly scalloped eddies of wind-driven moisture. The tree silhouettes are the western edge of my yard, a scene familiar and dear to me. Over nearly a quarter of a century, these trees and I have grown a lot, side by side, together. They are like family, providing a backdrop to my existence.

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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39 Responses to Painted Sky

  1. Trini Lind says:

    Oh, how very gorgeous!! 🙂 And what a beautiful description you have given as well! 🙂 Lovely! ❤

  2. seedbud says:

    Trees – such lovely and trustworthy life companions. 🙂

  3. I love the comment about you and the trees both growing!

  4. “lightly scalloped eddies of wind-driven moisture.” You are one fine writer, Eliza. Oh yes, the photo is a glory.

  5. dorannrule says:

    A cotton candy sky and this shot is absolutely breathtaking!

  6. Kathy Sturr says:

    Oh, so beautiful! And you have grown together – even more beautiful.

  7. Heather says:

    How nice to be able to mark your growth by the trees 🙂 Though I suspect you can’t quite measure personal growth the way you can that of a tree.
    Lovely sky, btw!

  8. ladyfi says:

    Wow – fabulous shot.

  9. What a lovely family, Eliza! And such a breathtakingly beautiful shot! Lovely sunset in a winter sky.

  10. 3of7 says:

    I love trees as well, Eliza….. They are such a comfort….their steadfast presence…. -M

  11. mk says:

    Somehow you have captured a feeling of patient omnipotence. It is more than a sunset. It’s a reminder. Thank you for sharing with us.

  12. Robin says:

    Such a beautiful, magical scene. The trees are reaching for the sky.

  13. Robbie says:

    just lovely—-you are truly blessed to have lived with that as your backdrop through life…+ I know you are thankful each day for it:-) because you are one of the “wise ones”:-)

  14. Sharon K. says:

    Stunning colors dripping from the sky over your beloved pines.

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  15. bernadetteyoungquist says:

    So lovely and poetic!

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