

For plants, Autumn is about setting fruit and producing seeds; ensuring the perpetuation of the species is the purpose of life in Nature. Above is a seed pod from Turk’s Cap Lily (Lilium canadense), now dry and beginning to split open, awaiting the autumn winds to disperse the winged seeds. I am amazed at the sheer abundance of neatly layered seeds that line each of the six chambers within a single pod. This one pod has over 200 seeds! The plant I took it from had thirteen pods.


Such is the generosity of Nature. If you’ve ever wondered if God loves you, here is your answer!

Although rodents and birds probably consume a lot of the seed, there are always enough to ensure a new crop to sprout in the coming spring. We ‘help’ by gathering a few of the pods to sow in different spots along our paths that have ideal growing conditions – full to part sun and rich, evenly moist soil. It takes several years for the seed to grow into a bulb large enough to produce a flowering stalk, providing it isn’t eaten by rodents or deer. A risky business, but well worth the wait!


About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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36 Responses to Seeds

  1. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    Harvesting seeds for future plants is another one of the joys of autumn Eliza. Lovely photos:)

  2. Maria F. says:

    I love the last image. What gorgeous flowers.

  3. mk says:

    Love and faith. Abundance and planting. Nice.

  4. dianaed2013 says:

    Love this – would like to see a close up of the seeds without the table? underneath

  5. noir33 says:

    I seed collected all year…..all ready for next Spring. Beautiful photos!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thanks so much. Yes, it is hard not to be tempted to disperse the seed of our favorite plants. I guess there is a little Johnny Appleseed in all of us! 🙂

  6. LadyPinkRose says:

    I am paricularly fond of the last image, Eliza. So delicate it is. Thank you for a lovely post. Love, Amy

  7. Oh, how marvelous to see the neatly stacked seeds in those pods. It makes the blooms all the more precious when you really think about just what the odds are against it.

  8. Debra says:

    That is the most amazing image — like National Geographic level. Wow.

  9. margber says:

    Ohh I love the seeds. Did you take these photos? They are beautiful, Eliza!

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Yes, I did, thank you. I wrote a post about the lilies back in July (click the link above if you want to read it and see the photos). They are a gorgeous wild flower that grows on our land. Their blooming is a ‘big event’ for us, crossing our fingers that the deer don’t find the buds and blooms! This post is a follow-up to that one.

  10. ladyfi says:

    What gorgeous shots – love that middle one.

  11. Kathy Sturr says:

    I was lucky enough to grab a few of these plants at our garden club plant exchange. I also received seeds but they never seem to grow into the bulb / plant stage. Maybe in a few years I’ll be quite surprised to be overrun by lilies ha ha! I love seed heads – I find them so interesting – so much texture and pattern.

  12. Gorgeous 😉 What a beautiful example of the abundance and love of the multiverse.

  13. You capture the nature beautifully!

  14. dorannrule says:

    A beautiful reminder of how nature and the plant world work together to assure the future.

  15. Robbie says:

    “Such is the generosity of Nature. If you’ve ever wondered if God loves you, here is your answer!”
    Eliza you just are so wise:-) beautiful post and pics.

  16. I too am regularly stunned by Nature’s abundance. One of my aims in life is to learn how to fully respect that abundance, rather than take it for granted or try to exploit it. I believe that when it is truly respected, Nature’s abundance not only perpetuates itself, but multiplies and expands.

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